Financial engineering


We'll be adding content to this page to provide research help to students who are on the IUM MScFE program. Please contact us with suggestions.

Recent Additions to the Library

Here are some of the recent additions to the library stock.

Author (Year) Title Place Publisher
Gordon (2004) An empire of wealth New York Harper Perennial
Bonner (2006) Empire of debt Hoboken John Wiley
Steele-Gordon (1999) The great game London Orion
O'Glove (1987) Quality of earnings New York Free Press

Please note that although most of the books of interest to graduate finance students are in the finance section, some are found elsewhere, such as the econometrics books, which are in the economics section. Books that are recommended to finance students have silver labels stuck to their spine.



Reading list for the Enron seminar.

Enron: the smartest guys in the room. (2005) Directed by Alex Gibney [dvd]. HDNet Films.

Fox, L. (2003) Enron: the rise and fall. John Wiley.

McLean, B. and Elkind, P. (2003) The smartest guys in the room: the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron. Portfolio.


Hedge funds


This is a very entertaining website.